Thursday, August 24, 2006 it's cold outside

I HAVE ARRIVED!!!!! I have now settled in the place that I will call home for the next 9 months. Puno is just as beautiful, tranquile, colorful, and cold as I remember. My host family has welcomed me with open arms. Jeny and her children (ages 16, 22, 25...I'm horrible with names right now) welcome tourists into their home, but they have truly treated me as a member of their household and have ensured that I feel comfortable with them.

This morning I saw the GORGEOUS Casa del Corrigedor (see the photo below). Juan, my boss, and I sat down today to chat about the details of my work. I know he's going to see this blog and be
very angry that I call him my boss. hehehe, lo siento Juan :) From the looks of things, I will be interning with the NGO Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the city of Puno. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I will travel to the city of Chuquito (15 minute ride in combi) to take Aymara language and cultural classes. The rest of the week I will have time to work on my thesis. Additionally, I will be offering English "charlas" at the Universidad del Altiplano as well as to Jeny.

I've only encounter two unenjoyable realities of traveling to the sierras of Peru. First, it is REALLY COLD here. I'm talking brrrrrrrrrrrr. Showers are short, scarfs and gloves are the typical fashion, and I sleep under seven blankets. The sun is intense but it is still necessary to wear jackets and a layer or two extra at all times. Second, and this serves as a warning to all travelers: watch what you eat. I have been VERY lucky over the past few years of my travels, but today I was not that fortunate. Trying to enjoy a bit of food outside of the tourist zone, I ended up in the bathroom for a good hour. I will spare the details. After an herbal tea, the wonderful medication offered by the Mayo Clinic, lots of water, and rest I feel better. I learned my lesson. It's important to stay in the touristy areas because the food inspection is much better. A bit more expensive, but as they say in Spanish, vale la pena.

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