Friday, September 22, 2006

Another little trip...this time to the "caca" side of the lake


I decided to take a small trip across the border for three days. It has been a wonderful escape! Last time I was in the city was spring break, 2005 with 20 other AU students. This time around has been QUITE different...much more informal and relaxed seeing no presidents are resigning from office (though the culture of Bolivian blockades continues).

My favorite Peruvian restaurant owner, Kike, joined me on the first leg of the trip. We traveled the real way: woke up at 5am to ride a combi from Puno to Desaguaderos. It was a bumpy three hour ride for 6 soles (around $2). The experience at the border is something else. I apologize that a written description just would not do it justice, but wow...organized chaos at its finest. After getting our passports stamped, we got in a cab with four other passengers (2 rode in the trunk) and paid 20 bolivianos a person (less than $3) for an hour ride to La Paz. Correction-the taxi driver would only take us to El Alto and dropped us off on the side of the highway. From there, for 1 boliviano, we rode another combi into the city. Let's just say this was a bit more adventurous than the luxury my AU trip afforded...but at least this time I didn't pass out from lack of oxygen!

Yesterday, Kike and I spent the day walking EVERYWHERE. The CRAZY thing is that I remember how to get everywhere in the city! I remember where the restaurants and markets are that I visited two years ago! Thank you, Dad, for my photographic memory. We had a crummy lunch, but found the sushi bar we were craving for dinner and felt much better. Our other major goal was to watch a movie (no theaters in Puno), but the only movies playing were Click and some movie about a monster house (???). OH! There was another movie that we decided to pass on- ¿Quién mató a la llamita blanca? (tranlation- Who Killed the Little White Llama?) Don't worry folks...I have a picture of the movie poster.

This morning, I met with Gary Shaye- Director of Save the Children, Bolivia. On our AU trip in 2005, he gave us a presentation of the work his NGO does and ever since we have stayed in touch. I can confirm that he is the coolest American in Bolivia! We had a great chat and he introduced me to a contact from Peru. But Mr-Bend-over-backwards-to-help also went out of his way to recommend a restaurant for lunch (even printed off the entire menu) AND book my trip back to Puno! My return will be a bit more touristy, as I pass through Copacabana on a tour-bus. With roughly 50 other foreigners I will be traveling for a whopping $13 (41 soles or 100 bolivianos). I take off tomorrow morning at 8am and return to Puno around 5pm. Not too shabby!

This afternoon I enjoyed a lovely cup of Yungas coffee in Cafe Alexander...the Starbucks of La Paz (sad to say but still no soy milk). Afterwards, I went to a really cool photo museum with historical pictures of the region. Tonight, I am treating myself to a dinner on the 20th floor of the Plaza Hotel. The panoramic view of the city from the restaurant is something else. Again, I will have pictures to share afterwards.

I did not have time to do everything I wanted in La Paz, but I plan on returning to pick up anybody who would like to come visit me!

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